Irish lichens

Spilonema paradoxum

Order: Peltigerales       Family: Coccocarpiaceae

Species: Spilonema paradoxum

Growth type filamentous.
Photos: On damp siliceous rock. Ballingeary, Co. Cork, SW Ireland
Identification needs confirming

Thallus forms dark olive to blackish mats to 2cm wide of narrow filaments (to 0.05mm wide). Attached to the substrate by basal blue-green, rhizine-like hyphae. Apothecia to 1mm wide, rare, lateral on filaments at surface of thallus. Globose pycnidia, to 0.2mm diam. Filaments narrower than those of Ephebe lanata.

Found on exposed damp, siliceous rocks. Few recent records.

Spilonema paradoxum

Spilonema paradoxum January 2009

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